13 Things About Inbound Marketing You May Not Know

13 Things About Inbound Marketing You May Not Know

If you are new to inbound marketing, chances are you probably have all of the same information that others have.

In order for you to stay a step ahead of the competition, it is important for you to have the inside track.

Here are 13 things about inbound you probably don't know.

1. There Are Many Aspects To This Concept

While many types of marketing are focused on one aspect, inbound is a culmination of several things. Social media marketing, content marketing and SEO are just a few components of a good strategy.

2. You Must Have A Target Audience

There are some products out there that are very useful to several demographics, but the key is to hone in on the one that is most likely to increase your sales.

3. People Love Free Things

If you give away something value as part of your inbound strategy, you will already be a step ahead of your competitors.

4. Build Your Brand

Once you and your products are recognizable to potential customers, it will increase the chances that they will buy something.

5. Blogging Can Increase Your Visibility

Most people think of blogs as a general way to share information, but it actually increases visibility and brings solid leads your way.

6. Unique Landing Pages Are A Must

This is a great way to entice people to stick around. Failing to have these is a huge mistake. Each page should have its own unique personality.

7. Don't Depend On Social Media For Conversions

While it is possible to increase conversions this way, you should primarily view this as a way to engage your audience.

8. Email Marketing And Spam Are Not The Same Thing

If you have always thought of email marketing and spam synonymously, you need to adjust your way of thinking. As long as you contact people who have opted in, you are not spamming anyone.

9. Try Guest Blogging

While it is a good idea to have a blog of your own, guesting on a blog that is run by someone who is doing well in the same niche will make people see you as an authority.

10. Measuring Is A Must

There is no point in continuing to spend money on marketing if you are not measuring your results. This is a serious waste of money.

11. Don't Discount Pop-Ups

When most people think of pop-ups, it is in a negative way, but there are many people who end up clicking and becoming converts.

12. Make Content Share-able

What good is your content if no one gets the chance to see it. Allowing people to share it with others can definitely increase sales tenfold.

13. Content Will Always Be King

Regardless of the other tricks you may have up your sleeve, providing great content will always be the number one way to garner interest.

This is probably a great deal of information to digest, but you are going to need it if you plan to use inbound marketing to your advantage. Chances are your competition will not be aware of everything here, so you will come out on top.