jInbound 2.0 BETA released with new user tracking, reporting and UI enhancements

Today we are pleased to announce that the new version of jInbound is now available.

Version 2.0 may not look that different on the surface, but underneath the hood we’ve made some dramatic changes.

User tracking

In the first version of jInbound, user tracking was limited in a number of ways that have been greatly improved on in version 2.

First, website visitors are tracked from the moment they first visit your site and not just after they complete a form on a landing page.

We use unique signatures to monitor a visitors activity on your website, and when they complete one of the forms on your landing pages, their past activity is immediately linked to the lead information collected by our mini CRM.

Another user tracking improvement in jInbound 2.0 is the ability for leads to be tracked separately on different nurturing campaigns, and the ability to manually add or remove a lead from a campaign.

Finally, we are now explicitly tracking IP addresses for all your visitors, which will allow us to build geographic information into the reporting tool in the future.


Detailed and accurate reporting is a cornerstone of any inbound marketing campaign. We felt this area was lacking in the first jInbound release. In fact, this is what prompted a rewrite of the entire user tracking system described above.

The improved user tracking system allows for clearer, more precise conversion reports for monitoring overall success across all your campaigns as well as on a per-campaign basis.

As you can see in the preview above, the overall statistics accurately measure the rate of landing page views to leads, and leads to conversions.

Below the overview you can see the conversion rates for the top landing pages.

Intuitive interface

During testing of jInbound 2, we had a lot of people new to inbound marketing try the software and the feedback was very insightful.

The most important thing we learned was that new marketers did not always understand the relationship between campaigns, lead nurturing emails and landing pages.

As a result, we clarified the inbound marketing process in the jInbound control panel. As shown above, a 4-step process occupies the very top of the interface and is worded to illustrate the relationship between the various areas of the software.

In effect, the top of the jInbound interface is a mini-tutorial that greatly improves the experience for end users.

Bits and bytes

In addition, we’ve fixed some outstanding bugs, re-wrote the mini-CRM, write an importer for any existing data from prior jInbound versions, and added a time limit on how long user tracking data will be stored.

The latter can be customized based on the the database resources available and the length of the sales cycle for your industry.

Take Jinbound 2 for a spin

Be sure to make a backup first :)

jInbound 2.0 is currently a BETA version, so we do not recommend this release for production sites. However, feel free to try it out in your sandbox/testing environment.

This BETA version is available to all current subscribers. Although BETA releases are not supported for production sites, we invite you to use the support helpdesk to submit any bugs or suggestions.

About the author

Steve is the CEO of Joomlashack. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve has been involved with Joomla since 2006.