How to Create Custom Layouts in Joomla 3

How to Create Custom Layouts in Joomla 3

Layouts are a feature in Joomla 3 that makes possible to re-use small portions of your design, using template overrides.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create really flexible and re-usable custom layouts.

Follow these 5 steps to become a master of custom layouts.

For the examples in this tutorial we're going to use Breeze, a free template you can download here.

Step #1. Create a template override

Let's start by creating a template override for an article. We need the override before we can create our custom layout.

In your Joomla admin area, go to Extensions > Template manager > Template > details & files. Here's how that looks for Breeze:

joomla template files

Now let's create the override file that we're going to use:

  1. Click Create overrides
  2. Click com_content
  3. Click article
joomla create override

This will automatically create a template override file that you can edit:

  1. Click Editor
  2. Click html
  3. Click com_content
  4. Click article
joomla template override

Note: in case you can't create your override from the administrator area, you can do in the old-fashioned way as this post explains.

Step #2. Create the layouts folder

Now we're going to create a layouts folder that will store our custom layouts.

Click the Manage folders button:

joomla manage folders
  1. Click the html folder
  2. Type "layouts" as the name
  3. Click the Create button
joomla layouts folder

Note: do the above steps only if the folder doesn't already exist.

Now repeat the process to create a new folder inside layouts named mylayouts. The structure should look like the following image:

joomla mylayouts folder

Step #3. Create a very basic Joomla layout

Now let's actually create the file to store our layout.

Click the New file button on top.

joomla new file
  1. Choose mylayouts folder
  2. File type: php
  3. Filename: hello
  4. Click Create
joomla edit override

This will create a file in html/layouts/mylayouts/hello.php. Open this new file from the editor tab and add the following code:

 * @package     Joomla.Site
 * @subpackage  Layout
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die; ?>

<h3>Hello world!</h3>

Save the changes.

From the editor tab go to html > com_content > article > default.php and add the following code around line 65 just before the print/email icons:

<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('mylayouts.hello'); ?>

In the previous code 'mylayouts.hello' defines the path to mylayouts/hello.php from the layouts folder.

Save your changes and open an article in the frontend to see the end result:

joomla layout preview

This is a dummy layout that displays static text. If you want to add dynamic content based on the data of the article, continue reading to Step 4.

Step #4. Create a dynamic Joomla layout

We will create a new layout to display a label for the featured articles.

Create a new PHP file named featured inside the mylayouts folder with this code:

 * @package     Joomla.Site
 * @subpackage  Layout
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

$item = $displayData['item']; ?>

<?php if($item->featured) : ?>

    <div class="alert alert-success">         <span class="icon-star"></span> <?php echo JText::_('JFEATURED'); ?>     </div>

<?php endif; ?>

Notice the line below in the previous code:

$item = $displayData['item'];

This line is really important. It gets all the article information such as title, text, images, etc. It contains the following code:

<?php if($item->featured) : ?>

    <div class="alert alert-success">         <span class="icon-star"></span> <?php echo JText::_('JFEATURED'); ?>     </div>

<?php endif; ?>

The if sentence checks whether the article is saved as "Featured" in database, in order to display the text.

From the editor tab go to html > com_content > article > default.php and add the following code around line 65 replacing the calling to hello:

<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('mylayouts.featured', array('item' => $this->item)); ?>

In the previous code we added something new:

array('item' => $this->item)

This code passes the article information to the layout file (featured.php).

Save your changes and open a featured article in the frontend to see the end result. The alert text below the title displays a star with the "Featured" text.

joomla featured article layout

Step #5. Re-use your featured layout

The reason why layouts are useful is because we can use them again and again. In this example, let's integrate them with the blog page.

Create a new template override for your blog:

  1. Create overrides
  2. com_content
  3. category
joomla category override

Edit the file blog_item.php

joomla edit blog_item

Add the same code to render the featured layout around line 25 just after the title:

<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('mylayouts.featured', array('item' => $this->item)); ?>

Save your changes and open a blog page to see the end result. The same alert text is now displayed for your featured articles.

joomla blog featured layout preview