Managing Automated Emails in jInbound

There are two types of automated emails in jInbound. These are the Campaign Emails and the Report Emails.

Campaign Emails are the emails which form your inbound marketing campaign, these are sent to the leads after you have captured them. Campaign Emails are sent a prescribed number of days after the lead has submitted the Landing Page form.

Report Emails are sent to the campaign managers in order to provide an overview of the performance of the campaign. Report Emails are sent on a regular schedule, weekly or monthly for example. For more information on the report emails see Managing Marketing Report Emails in jInbound

Creating and Editing Campaign Emails

You must have create a Campaign before you can create Campaign Emails. Once you have create the campaign, you can define the emails that are part of that inbound marketing campaign.

  1. Log into the Joomla Administrator and Select Components - jInbound - Automated Emails from the menu
  2. Select New (or an email to edit)
  3. Enter a name for the email, this is simply a descriptive email for internal use
  4. Enter the required Email Options
    • Published - select whether the email is active or not
    • Type - select Campaign to create a inbound marketing campaign automated email
    • Campaign - Select the campaign for which the email will be sent
    • From Name - The name which will be displayed in the From field on the lead's email client.
      • TIP: Make the From Name the name of an actual person. People will be more likely to open the email if it is from an actual person they may recognize.
    • From Email - The email address that the lead will see the email came from
      • TIP: Like the From Name, if the From Email is something personal instead of noreply@ or something like that, your open rate will likely be higher.
    • Send After - Enter the number of days that will pass from the time that the lead submits the landing page form that this email is sent
      • TIP: To send an email soon after submitting the form (usually within minutes) set this to 0 (zero)
    • Subject - The Subject or Title of the email as the lead sees it in the email client
  5. Create the email Content by selecting the Content Tab
    • HTML Body - The formatted content that the lead will receive if she selects to receive HTML formatted Emails
    • Plain Body - The unformatted or plain text email content the lead will receive if they elect not to receive HTML formatted emails
    • The body of the email can be created just like any content on your site - in addition there are Email Tags (described below) which can be used to enter capaign specific data in the emails.
  6. Test Email - Select the Test Email button and enter your email address  to receive a copy of email to review how your leads will see it.

Using Campaign Email Tags

Email Tags are small pieces of codes that stand in as variables for information that is directly related to the lead or the campaign. By using Email Tags effectively you can create highly effective personalized inbound marketing emails.

In the content of the email simply enter the tags described next to the content field and the tag will be replaced by the appropriate information when the email is sent.

Available Campaign Email Tags:

The following tags are available for replacement in either email body:

{%email.campaign_name%} - inserts the campaign name that this email belongs to as defined in the Email Tab

{%email.form_name%} - Include the title of the form that the lead had submitted to trigger the campaign leading to this email

{%email.lead.first_name%} - Will be replaced with the lead's first name (default form field)

{%email.lead.last_name%} - Will be replaced by the lead's last name (default form field)

{} - Will be replaced with the lead's email address (default form field)

Additional tags are available per form, based on the name of the inputs assigned, with the prefix "email.lead."

For example: {%email.lead.mastery%} will include the value that the lead has submitted for the custom field named mastery - see Managing custom fields in the jInbound Fields Manager for details