Confused about Joomla versions?

With this weeks release of Joomla 3.0 there will be inevitable confusion regarding how this effects you. Joomla 3.0 is the very latest release from the Joomla project and it is intended for use by early adopters and experienced developers.

Read more: Joomla 3 - Let's bust some myths


Great New Joomla Course added

This week we don't have a new lesson for you - instead we have a brand new course, Using Akeeba Backup.

You need to learn how to properly backup your site

Last week I promised 12 lessons and over 90 minutes of easy to follow videos across 15 different topics. Thanks to them, you will never have an excuse for not having an up to date backup of any of your web sites. 

Read more: 90+ Minutes of expert Joomla training on Akeeba Backup

New Joomla Lessons

Today I am happy to launch our brand new 12 lesson video training course to guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a multilingual Joomla website.

While I was creating this course I realised that much of the available documentation for building multi-lingual web sites makes it seem something very complex and not for the faint hearted.

I have worked hard to remove the mystique by breaking the process down into just a few simple steps that anyone can follow.

Read more: Building Multilingual Websites

You may have heard a lot about how easy it is to build a website with Joomla! But as with everything if you want to take full advantage of the features and ease-of-use you have to learn to do it the correct way.

One of the biggest problems that people face building their Joomla! website is that they try to apply the techniques and methods that they learned in another program to Joomla! That isn't going to work for you. Trying to fit a square peg in a in a round hole will never work. You need to learn the Joomla! way.

Read more: Build your website with CASH

What's the first thing you do when you decide to build a new website? Do you download and install Joomla!? Do you go to a template supplier and select your template? Or do you do something else instead?

If you do something else then I hope what you choose to do is to grab a pencil and a piece of paper and start to plan. P, P & P.

Read more: Joomla! begins with a P


You may already know how to build sites using Joomla.

When you build a new site, though, do you ever feel constrained by your Joomla knowledge? Are there areas within Joomla web-design, that you'd rather not mess around with because you dont feel comfortable with? Do you feel as though you are not getting the most out of this wonderful CMS?

Now's the time to Master Joomla.

Read more: Join the School of Joomla Training for just $25 / mo

You already know that Joomla! gives you the power to quickly and easily build and maintain web sites. However, unless you understand the terminology, principles, and secrets of Joomla, you will never make it sing and dance. Do you want to make Joomla sing and dance?

Do you know the difference between a stylist and a designer? A stylist can make things look good but a designer creates! Have you been getting by merely as a stylist? Are you ready to start creating?

Are you tired of your amateur status and ready to become a Pro? 

Read more: So you think you know Joomla?