5 Blog Ideas for Joomla Marketers When There's Nothing to Write About

Video on building a blog with Joomla

The thought of blogging can sometimes just make us cringe. What do I write about? Where do I begin? Why do I have to do this again? Why can't my brain focus today? Is it time to eat my lunch yet?

You may even end up wasting time just staring at the blank document wondering, how does everyone else do this all the time? How are they always coming up with fresh ideas to blog about?

Well, the truth of the matter is that you're not alone. We all have our days where we can't figure out what to write about. 

Sometimes the inspiration just isn't there and you can't get the wheels turning, no matter how many extra shots of espresso the Starbucks barista put into your java that morning. (Please don't tell me I'm the only who's ever had a quadruple shot morning, anyone? Bueller?)

So let's talk some tips for you to consider the next time you have blogging writer's block.

1. What are the Pain Points of your Personas?

When trying to figure out what to write about, it's always best to take a step back and really think about who your blog is for. Sure it technically is for anyone wanting to learn about your industry/best practices/brand, but at the end of the day, you are trying to speak to your personas.

What are your personas pain points? What do they need help accomplishing? What are they searching for that could lead them to your blog? What are their problems that you help solve?

If you start there, a flood of ideas should come to you. Write about them. Answer those questions in blog format and you're golden.

2. Answers to Your FAQ's

Blogs that answer FAQ's are practical and awesome. What a great combination.

Blogging more detailed answers to each FAQ is a great way to provide more in depth information and reasoning behind the answers.

Most FAQ's found on a website are short and to the point, but having an option when a visitor can choose to learn more about the answer by reading a blog is a fantastic choice to have.

3. Industry News

Are there any hot debates going on in your industry? Any breaking news that could affect you and/or your personas? Write about it.

Write something informative, opinionated, well-researched or simply explaining the topic better. Just try to provide content of some sort about the most recent news and headlines relating to your industry.

Staying up-to-date and educated on industry news and trends will help you to be well respected and lead you to be thought of as an industry leader.

Strive to become the go-to person that others can rely on for the low down and breakdown of news and trends.

4. Infographics

Visuals, visuals, visuals. Everyone loves visuals. We are becoming a more visual driven society with each day that passes

In fact, we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Wowza.

So, work on creating infographics as a part of your content strategy. All you need is a couple short opening paragraphs that lead into the infographic, a couple short paragraphs with some concluding thoughts and voila you've got yourself a blog post.

5. Behind the Scenes or Meet the Team

Blogging about what goes on at your company behind the scenes, introducing members of the team or an interview with certain team memebers can add a nice human element to your brand. 

An interview with the CEO, the Director of Marketing or the lead Web Developer are engaging blogs to write and entertaining to read. It's a nice change up from writing about news related content. 

"Meet the Team" blogs are an excellent way to add some personality into your brand. Blogs like these are also a good reference to have new clients read so they can get to know your company the personalities behind it better.

This can help make the on-boarding process a little more personal and help your company to stand out and be more unique.

Blogger's writer's block can be a very frustrating situation. The next time you feel it, take a deep breath and think about how these ideas can help get you through it. I believe in you.

As the ideas come to, remember to take note of topics as well. No blogging idea should ever go to waste.