OSYouTube Has Improved Autoplay and a Smart Autolinker

osyoutube The best YouTube video embedder just received two new features that will give you more control and flexibility. We have improved the autoplay capabilities and added a smart autolinker

YouTube already supports autoplay and it is great, but we've found a way to add further improvements so you can control how and when a video will autoplay.

We've also resolved a limitation with links to YouTube. Previous versions of OSYouTube would automatically convert all YouTube URLs into videos, but now you have the option to leave the link as it is.

Improved autoplay

The Pro version of OSYouTube now allows you to configure the global autoplay state for every YouTube video on your site, or if you prefer, you can control it for each video.

You can not only set autoplay to "Enabled" and "Disabled", but you can set it to autoplay only once, based on the user session or a cookie. This stops a user from seeing the video more than once.

You still now have a customized behavior for any video you want. To override the global settings for a single video, you only need to add one of these to your YouTube URL:





Smart autolinker

This feature adds more flexibility giving you the option to skip YouTube URLs located inside HTML anchor tags. So, if you want to have direct URLs to YouTube (without converting those URLs into videos), you can enable this feature.

What are you waiting for you?

If you haven't tried OSYouTube, give it a try. Both the Free and Pro versions are available from the OSYouTube page.

Video guide to OSYouTube