Introduction to Inbound Marketing for Absolute Beginners

Introduction to Inbound Marketing for Absolute Beginners

Have you heard the term "Inbound Marketing"? This is actually where marketing moves.

And whether you would like your Joomla site to sell products or services for yourself, or raise money for a charity, IM is the tool to get you there.

In this post, we will give you a bird's eye view introduction to Inbound Marketing.

In a nutshell, IM is your way to gently lead people from their first visit to your Joomla site to their action or several actions there.

It helps you to slowly transform complete strangers to your site into people who are willing to engage with it, to the extent of paying you for your products or services.

For the IM to kick in, you need first to make people come to your site. Blogging, SEO and Social Marketing are the best tools for this job.

Once people get to know your site, using Inbound Marketing, you lead them to perform an action.

For example, you may encourage them to download a free e-book in exchange for their e-mail address.

Or maybe you would ask them to subscribe to your newsletter.

Do you see a path emerging here? Step one - visiting your site. Step two - performing a small action.

Watch the video to get the complete introduction to Inbound Marketing.