Yes, You Can Visually Design Websites Without Code

Yes, You Can Visually Design Websites Without Code

We held the Joomlashack Conference over 3 days in mid-November.

This was a free conference featuring over 20 of the best speakers from around the Joomla world.

I was amazed at how good the presentations were. We're currently editing all the videos and posting them to the Joomlashack YouTube channel.

This presentation was from Mike Demopoulos. Mike has been a friend of mine probably for a decade or so. He has been around the Joomla community in all sorts of roles. At the moment, he works for BoldGrid whose main product is a page-builder tool which allows you to do a lot of visual website design without any code. And page-builders are the focus of Mike's presentation.

With the rise of Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal (combined make up 39% of all websites), a new type of user is coming. This user cares about content and design, true. But they also want to get stuff done online as fast as possible.

The experience of making a website should be enjoyable for this user. Page Builders allow for visual design in all three systems. Some of the core changes like WordPress’s new editor (Gutenberg), make it easier than ever to get online. But it is not just new users. Web Agencies are reducing their overhead and build costs to do everything from prototyping, building, and even complex interactive conditional logic tools. All with zero code.

In this talk, Mike Demo will teach you how to leverage the power of the web in unique ways - without having to enter a single line of code.

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About the author

Steve is the CEO of Joomlashack. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve has been involved with Joomla since 2006.