Use OSDownloads in Joomla Articles

This is a Pro feature of OSDownloads. We're going to show you how to add an OSDownloads link into your Joomla articles.

Use the following shortcode in your articles to display the download button:

{osdownloads download_button id-of-the-file "Custom text"}

Here are the three different parts to this shortcode:

  • osdownloads download_button ... this part never changes
  • id-of-the-file ... this is the ID number for the file.
  • "Custom text" ... this is what visitors will click on.

You can find the ID number for the file, by visiting Components > OSDownloads Pro. In this case, the ID number is 999:

id number

Here's how the actual code appears in the article:

the button code in the article

When you publish the code, the "Download" button will appear as in the image below.

the download button

Designing the Link

It is possible to add CSS to the link. You can add CSS classes as shown in the code below. This uses Bootstrap's button class .btn:

bootstrap styled button backend

And here is how it looks on the page from the frontend of your Joomla site:

bootstrap styled button frontend