Your "JCal Pro: Categories" screen allows you to categorize your events.
Each of your JCal Pro events must belong to one category. A default category called "Uncategorized" is created when you first install JCal Pro.
This block of the "JCal Pro: Categories" admin page displays a list of your existing JCal Pro categories in a columned format.
- Color: This will be dcategory will be use for the category on the JCal Pro frontend and admin area:
- Status: Whether to publish or unpublish your events category.
- Title: Your events categories titles
- Total Events: How many events a category consists of.
- Upcoming Events: How many upcoming events there are in a category
- Access: Joomla ACL user group, allowed to view a category.
- Language: What Joomla language does a category gets displayed in. Default language setting: All.
- ID: The ID number of the category.