How Email Notifications Work in JCal Pro

Documentation for Joomla 3

JCal Pro automatically sends email notifications.

In this document, you will learn what those email notifications are and to whom they get sent.

Where to find email notifications

  • To find the list of the seven email notifications, in the JCal Pro control panel go to the "Emails" tab:

01 the emails admin screen

Let's walk through them one by one.

Notification #1. A New Event has been added at {}

04 a new event has been added at joomlashack

In JCal Pro, you can authorize a frontend user to create pre-approved events from the frontend of your Joomla site. In this case, you as the site owner won't have to review them. You will just need to publish them.

Once such an event has been created, your JCal Pro automatically will send the site's administrator an email notification with the subject of "A New Event has been added at <Your Site Name>".

Notification #2. A New Event is Ready For Approval at {}

02 admin received notification about event creation

JCal Pro automatically sends out this notification to a Joomla site administrator when someone created an event from the frontend of your Joomla site.

Notification #3. Event Confirmation at {}

In JCal Pro you have an option to allow your Joomla site visitors to register for your JCal Pro calendar events. This is as easy as opening the event of your choice and clicking the "Yes" button under the event's "Registration" button:

08 allow registrations

As a result, JCal Pro will add the registration form to the event's frontend page:

09 the frontend registration form

Once your Joomla site visitor submits this event registration form, they will automatically receive an email notification with the subject of "Event confirmation at <Your Site Name>". 

07 event confirmation at joomlashack

Notification #4. New Event Registration

Once a visitor of your Joomla site receives an email with the subject of "Event confirmation at <Your Site Name>" and opens it, they will see:

  • An instruction to confirm their event registration
  • A link to click in order to confirm their event registration:

10 the confirmation email

Once they click this link, the event's frontend creator will automatically receive an email notification with the subject "New Event Registration".

Notification #5. You Have Confirmed an Event Registration at {}

12 your have confirmed an event registration at joomlashack

Once someone registered for your JCal Pro event form your Joomla site frontend and confirmed their registration, they will automatically receive an email with the subject of "You have Confirmed an Event Registration at <Your Site Name>".

Notification #6. Your Event Has Been Added at {}

In JCal Pro you have the flexibility to limit your frontend events creator to creating unapproved events. Your site administrator will then review such events and approve them as they see fit by clicking the "Approve" button:

05 your event has been added at joomlashack

Once they do, your event creator will automatically receive an email with the subject of "Your Event Has Been Added at <Your Site Name>":

06 your event has been added

Notification #7. Your Event is Pending Approval at {}

03 your event is pending approval at joomlashack

JCal Pro would send out an email notification with this subject to the user who created an event from the frontend of your site.