OSEmbed Pro for Joomla 3 and Joomla 5 supports the following content providers:
Acast |
ActBlue |
Adilo |
Adways |
Afreecatv |
Altium |
Altru |
Animoto |
AnnieMusic |
Apester |
Archivos |
Assemblworld |
Audioboom |
AudioClip |
Audiocom |
Audiomack |
Audiomeans |
BeamsFM |
BeautifulAI |
Behance |
BlackfireIO |
Blogcast |
Bookingmood |
Bumper |
Buttondown |
Canva |
Ceros |
Chainflix |
ChartBlocks |
Chroco |
CircuitLab |
Clyp |
CodeHS |
Codepoints |
CodeSandbox |
Commaful |
Coub |
Crumbs |
Cueup |
Curated |
Dadan |
DailyMotion |
Dalexni |
Datawrapper |
Deseretnews |
Deviantart |
Didacte |
Digiteka |
DocDroid |
Docswell |
DreamBroker |
EchoesHQ |
Embedery |
Ethfiddle |
EventLive |
Everviz |
Eyrie |
Fader |
FaithLifeTV |
Fitapp |
Flickr |
Flourish |
Fooday |
Framer |
GeographCI |
GeographDE |
GeographUk |
GetShow |
GettyImages |
Giphy |
GloriaTV |
Gmetri |
Gong |
GoogleDocs |
GoogleDrive |
GoogleMaps |
Grain |
Gumlet |
Gyazo |
Hearthis |
HiHaHo |
Huffduffer |
iFixit |
IHeartRadio |
Infogram |
Infoveave |
Injurymap |
Inoreader |
Issuu |
Jovian |
KakaoTV |
Kickstarter |
KirimEmail |
Kit |
Kmdr |
Knacki |
LearningApps |
LillePod |
Livestream |
Ludus |
Lumiere |
Matterport |
MediaLab |
MedienArchivKuenste |
MermaidInk |
MessesInfo |
MicrosoftStream |
MixCloud |
MusicboxManiacs |
Namchey |
Nanoo |
NaturalAtlas |
Nfb |
NoPaste |
Omniscope |
OnSizzle |
OraTV |
Orbitvu |
Outplayed |
OverflowIO |
Padlet |
Pastery |
Pinpoll |
Playbuzz |
Podbean |
Polldaddy |
Portfolium |
Posixion |
RadioPublic |
Rcvis |
ReleaseWire |
Replit |
ReverbNation |
Roomshare |
RoosterTeeth |
Rumble |
RunKit |
Saooti |
SapoVideos |
Screencast |
ScreenNine |
ScribbleMaps |
Scribd |
SendToNews |
Shoudio |
ShowTheWay |
Simplecast |
Slideshare |
SmashNotes |
Smugmug |
SocialExplorer |
SongLink |
SoundCloud |
SpeakerDeck |
Spotify |
Spreaker |
StandfordDigitalRepository |
Streamable |
Subscribi |
Sutori |
Sway |
Ted |
TheNewYorkTimes |
Tickcounter |
TikTok |
Toornament |
Tumblr |
Tuxx |
Tvcf |
TwentyThreeHq |
X / Twitter |
Typecast |
UniversitePantheonSorbonne |
UniversityCambridgeMap |
UstreamTV |
Ustudio |
Veer |
Verse |
Vidyard |
Vimeo |
Viously |
Vlipsy |
Vlive |
VoxSnap |
WaveVideo |
Wistia |
Wizer |
Wokwi |
WolframCloud |
Wordwall |
Youtube |
Zeplin |
Zingsoft |
ZnipeTV |
Zoomable |
Adilo |
Afreecatv |
Amtraker |
Audiomeans |
Bookingmood |
Bumper |
Chainflix |
Chroco |
Clyp |
CodeHS |
Crumbs |
Dadan |
Dalexni |
DreamBroker |
EventLive |
Everviz |
Gmetri |
Hash |
Heyzine |
IMenuPro |
Imgur |
Incredible |
Kooapp |
Lineplace |
LocalVoicesNetwork |
Minesweeper |
NFTndx |
Odysee |
Pandavideo |
Picturelfy |
Pitchhub |
Plusdocs |
SlateApp |
Smeme |
Smrthi |
Streamio |
Synthesia |
TrinityAudio |
UAPod |
Videfit |
VidMount |
VouchFor |
Waltrack |
Wecandeo |