Pro Features of OSYouTube

Documentation for Joomla 3

These features are exclusive to the OSYouTube Pro version.

Here is how you can access them.

  • Open up the administrator panel of your Joomla 3 site
  • Go to "Extensions" > "Plugins" > "Content - OSYouTube Pro"
  • Customize the Pro features of your video player.

And here are the Pro features:

  • Responsive. Use fluid responsive behavior.
  • Controls. Display the controls of the video.
  • Hide YouTube logo. Hide YouTube logo during playback.
  • Fullscreen. Enable the fullscreen button.
  • Loop. Allow loop mode, where the video plays continually. Please note: YouTube has given this parameter limited support in the AS3 player and in IFrame embeds, which could load either the AS3 or HTML5 player.
  • Related videos. Set whether to display related videos from all the YouTube channels or from the same channel with the video being played. Works once the playback is paused or finished.
  • Scrollbar color. Choose the available colors for the scrollbar.
  • Autoplay. If enabled, set the global behavior for all the videos. The URL param still has higher priority over this param, so if the video URL has "...&autoplay=true" it will autoplay even if this field is set to "no". You can set a custom behavior per video using these params in the URL: no, false, 0, yes, true, 1, always, session, cookie. So for example It will override the value of this field for that video.
  • When to load. Experimental: this option will load the YouTube video either during a page load or after. 'During' is the way it's usually done. 'After' gives it a significant speed boost, which can help for SEO and also make the page load quicker for the user. However, the YouTube video would get loaded after all the other content has loaded. So do a few page loads to see if this looks good on your particular page, just in case.
  • No cookies. Set to 'Yes' to always force the use of Youtube's 'no cookies' option

osyoutube pro settings in joomla 3

Documentation for Joomla 5

These features are exclusive to the OSYouTube Pro version.

Here is how you can access them.

  • Open up the System Dashboard of your Joomla 5 site
  • Go to "System" > "Manage" > "Plugins" > "Content - OSYouTube Pro"
  • Customize the Pro features of your video player.

And here are the Pro features:

  • Responsive. Use fluid responsive behavior.
  • Controls. Display the controls of the video.
  • Hide YouTube logo. Hide YouTube logo during playback.
  • Fullscreen. Enable the fullscreen button.
  • Loop. Allow loop mode, where the video plays continually. Please note: YouTube has given this parameter limited support in the AS3 player and in IFrame embeds, which could load either the AS3 or HTML5 player.
  • Related videos. Set whether to display related videos from all the YouTube channels or from the same channel with the video being played. Works once the playback is paused or finished.
  • Scrollbar color. Choose the available colors for the scrollbar.
  • Autoplay. If enabled, set the global behavior for all the videos. The URL param still has higher priority over this param, so if the video URL has "...&autoplay=true" it will autoplay even if this field is set to "no". You can set a custom behavior per video using these params in the URL: no, false, 0, yes, true, 1, always, session, cookie. So for example It will override the value of this field for that video.
  • When to load. Experimental: this option will load the YouTube video either during a page load or after. 'During' is the way it's usually done. 'After' gives it a significant speed boost, which can help for SEO and also make the page load quicker for the user. However, the YouTube video would get loaded after all the other content has loaded. So do a few page loads to see if this looks good on your particular page, just in case.
  • No cookies. Set to 'Yes' to always force the use of Youtube's 'no cookies' option

osyoutube pro settings in Joomla 5