How to Create a Gallery of Shack Locations Iconpins

Shack Locations markers have a twofold purpose:

  1. It pinpoints a certain location on your map directory.
  2. It indicates the location type.

Your location type may be a cafe, or a swimming pool, or a park. Shack Locations installs a gallery of 32 iconpins in 6 colors to help you define your location types.

Note: It may be the case that you won't find a marker matching your location type in the gallery. For such occasions, the gallery has a blank blank.png marker image you can edit. 

Where to find Shack Locations Markers

Once you installed Shack Locations, it conveniently installs the gallery of markers within your Joomla Media manager.

  • In your Joomla control panel, go to Content > Media:

go to content media

  • Under the markers, click iconpins:

click iconpins

 You will see the six sub-folders named by the color of the iconpins they store:

six iconpins subfolders

  • If you need to FTP to the iconpins gallery, go to /images/markers/iconpins/:

ftp to images markers iconpins

Gallery of Shack Locations Markers

iconpins 1 to 5

1. Accommodation.

2. Airport.

3. Animals.

4. Attraction.

5. Bank.

iconpins 6 to 10

6. Bar.

7. Basketball.

8. Burgers.

9. Camping.

10. Childcare.

iconpins 11 to 13

11. Cities.

12. Coffee.

13. Cycling.

Warning: please, don't assign any of the three "cluster-....png" iconpins to your location types. Shack Locations will use them automatically to mark clusters of closely located locations. 

iconpins 14 to 19

14. Hiking.

15. Information.

16. Library.

17. Medical.

18. Movies.

19. Parking.

iconpins 20 to 25

20. Pizza.

21. Restaurant.

22. Services.

23. Shopping.

24. Sporting.

25. Swimming.

iconpins 26 to 28

26. Toilets.

27. Watersports.

28. Wifi.