How to Use Google Analytics Goals with Shack Analytics

Google Analytics Goal is a tool to help you measure a specific real-world goal you have for your Joomla site based on its business objectives. For example, your site objective might be to generate as many leads via a contact form as you can.

Based on this business goal, a good specific goal to set and track in your Google Analytics account will be the contact form submissions.

Once you defined your goal, create your Google Analytics free account, connect it to your Joomla site with the "Shack Analytics Pro" Joomla extension,  create a Goal in your Google Analytics account, and start tracking and evaluating your goal completions. 

Let's take a look at this process in more detail. For my demonstration, my goal will be to track submissions of a form created with Shack Forms Pro. 

Step #1. Create your Google Analytics account

Step #2. Connect your Joomla site to Google Analytics with Shack Analytics

Step #3. Set a Google Analytics Goal

  • Login to your Google Analytics account.
  • In your Google Analytics main screen, click the "Admin" icon in the bottom left corner:

click admin

  • On the right-hand side of the next screen, in the right column, click "Goals":

click goals

  • On the next screen, click the "+ NEW GOAL" button:

click new goal

  • You will be taken to the "Goal description" screen.
  • Enter your goal name into the "Name" field.
  • Click the "Destination" radio button for the type of your goal.
  • Click "Continue":

click continue

  • You will be prompted to enter the goal details. For my demonstration, I will select "Equal to" and enter /thank-you as the destination URL. Click "Save":

click save

  • You will see your newly created goal listed:

your goal listed

Good job! At this point, you connected your Joomla site to your Google Analytics account using Shack Analytics. You also created a Google Analytics goal to track. 

Now would be a good time to test our goal tracking.

Step #4. Track your Google Analytics Goal Completion

As you already have seen on my screenshots above, for this demonstration I created a goal in Google Analytics to track form submissions. I created the form with Shack Forms Pro.

Once my Joomla site visitor submits the form, I set the form to redirect the form sender to the "Thank You" page. The page URL is /thank-you. Once the form redirected a form submitter to the "Thank You" page, Google Analytics will count this form submission as one goal completion.

Let's take a look at how to track the goal completions.

  • On the left navigation bar in your Google Analytics, go to "Conversions" > "Overview":

go to conversions goals overview

  • This will open up the screen with the overview of your goal completions:

goal completions overview screen