Using Phing with the Wright Framework to Get a Working Joomla Template

Wright Now Supports Joomla Update System

Wright is the template framework we use at Joomlashack to create our commercial templates. We are always making it a little more awesome.

In this post, we will show you the process we follow to generate a working Joomla template by using Phing in combination with the Wright repository from Github, plus how to add your custom styles.

Read more about what makes the Wright Framework unique.

Read more: Using Phing with the Wright Framework to Get a Working Joomla Template

You Can Now Get Easy Updates for the Wright Framework

Wright Now Supports Joomla Update System

The Wright framework is the base of our Joomla templates

Wright is bootstrapped, responsive and lightweight. You can learn more about it and why it's unique in a world of everything-but-the-kitchen-sink bloated frameworks. You can also download it for free from this page.

Despite it's lightness, like many Joomla templates, updating Wright was not a straight-forward and easy process. You had to update Wright manually, by downloading the latest version from Joomlashack. So many of our customers never saw the benefits of Wright's updates and bug-fixes.

We have just released Wright 3.2, and this version uses Joomla update system. It now super easy to update your template when a new version of Wright is available.

Read more about what makes the Wright Framework unique.

Read more: You Can Now Get Easy Updates for the Wright Framework

Wright Template Framework v.3.1.3 released

A new update for the Wright Joomla Template Framework

We are very excited.  It's now been a year since we released Wright v3.0 on the first week of September 2012. During the past year, Wright has benefited from more changes, updates, and work than it had during the previous two years. This increased focus on Wright is mostly due to our commitment to deliver better, more reliable, and ever lighter Joomla Templates. 

Read more: Wright Template Framework v.3.1.3 released

Heavy Wright customizations within minutes

Heavy Wright customizations within minutes

Did you know that Wright v.3 is all based in Bootstrap? And did you know that Bootstrap is all based in LESS rather than simple CSS? And, are you aware of the benefits of using the Wright Framerwork to create your template?

Read more: Heavy Wright customizations within minutes

Wright Framework Updates & Adoption


Wright Responsive-01

A great Joomla Template Framework that keeps getting better!

Last August we announced a major update to our Wright Template Framework. Since that time we've continued to do periodic updates to bring more stability and bug fixes, and seen some exciting adoptions of Wright from Joomla community members and companies.

This week I'm excited to announce the upcoming release of Wright v3.1, which includes some great new features, and equally as excited to share an interview with yet another Joomla community member who's adopted Wright for all of his work, Nick Savov.

Read more: Wright Framework Updates & Adoption

Red Goes Wright


Wright is moving right along these days, seeing great improvements to stability as well as some upcoming exciting enhancements (think full LESS support). It's no wonder that powerhouse Joomla company RedComponent, one of the largest Joomla companies in the world (if not THE largest), has decided to adopt Wright for all of their template and project needs!

We had a chance to ask owner Ronni Christiansen a few questions about why his company chose Wright:

Read more: Red Goes Wright

Joomla Day Boston Done Wright

A couple weeks ago we announced the move of The Wright Joomla Template Framework to Github in an effort to make it more accessible and invite collaboration.  In addition to opening up and inviting collaboration, we're also expanding our efforts to showcase the work of those who adopt Wright for their site development needs! In this our first Wright Wednesday Developer Showcase we're excited to share a short interview and the work of Dianne Henning, organizer and site developer for Joomla Day Boston.

Read more: Joomla Day Boston Done Wright

Wright Moves to a New Home, Invites Guests Over to Party

A great Joomla Template Framework is now even better

Last August we announced a major update to our Wright Template Framework. With this update, we were among the first in the industry to provide templates and support for Joomla 3.0, while also introducing a host of great new features, including responsiveness. This was a big step for Wright, made even greater because we did not lose sight of Wright's trademark lightness - - we made it even lighter still.

Read more: Wright Moves to a New Home, Invites Guests Over to Party