Content Versioning - A Sneak Peek at Joomla's Newest Proposed Feature

versioning JoomlaUPDATE: Click here for an updated version of this article.

Joomla! 3.2 is about four months away and there's another really big and exciting feature in development: Content Versioning!

That's right! Content Versioning! And it's not just content versioning for the Joomla core, but an API will be provided for extension developers to use the feature for their extensions.

In this article, I'll take you through a little bit of the background information, then get right to the screenshots through the Content Versioning system, its current UI (User Interface) and its features.

Read more: Content Versioning - A Sneak Peek at Joomla's Newest Proposed Feature

Customize Your Joomla Templates by Learning Overrides

Learning Joomla Template Overrides

Problem: Joomla "by default" Frustrations

Have you felt frustrated when you are unable to modify some "by default" positioned elements when creating a Joomla! Powered website?  Well, you're not alone -- we all have been halted by elements you cannot "move" but only style. For example, what if you want to place the title at the bottom of each article instead of having it above? Or what if you want to create more divs for higher modifications and styling?

Solution: Joomla Template Overrides, w00t!

Here is the good news: Joomla allows us to create Template Overrides, which are modifications to the Joomla components or modules, that can be done from the template, and avoid hacking the Joomla! files.

Read more: Customize Your Joomla Templates by Learning Overrides

Essential Web Design Tips For Startups

must have for startups

If you just launched an amazing new startup company, you're not alone. Brand new companies spring up by the dozen every day. In order to stand out among the masses, you need to make a professional and – quite frankly – an unforgettable online appearance. But how can you do all that with minimal cash flow? We've rounded up the best ways to make a killer online impression to kick-start your company.

Read more: Essential Web Design Tips For Startups

5 Outrageously Simple Content Tips that Your Competitors Aren't Doing


Content Marketing Works!

Content marketing is one area where businesses have gradually paid more attention to. According to the 2013 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends conducted by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, content marketers are using more tactics this year (12) compared to last year (8) and used social media more (87% this year compared to 74% in 2012) to distribute their content.

More importantly, 33% of businesses are spending on content marketing; 7% more compared to last year.

Read more: 5 Outrageously Simple Content Tips that Your Competitors Aren't Doing

Join, Share, and Learn - What makes a Joomla! Day so Special

Joomla! Day Guatemala 2013

In April, Guatemala City was very proud to join the Joomlaverse Joomla! party by hosting the second Joomla! Day Guatemala, after the successful first event in 2012.

Being part of both Joomla! Day Guatemala team and the Joomlashack team (proud Gold Sponsor for the second time), I was very excited about this new event. I enjoyed it thoroughly, from the first day we thought of it and started planning it, until the last international speaker left.

Read more: Join, Share, and Learn - What makes a Joomla! Day so Special

Top 5 Web Design Mistakes that are Costing you Money



You've spent countless hours making your website into the best marketing tool it can be. A good website will engage, entertain, and entice your readers to covert. Just make sure you aren't making these common web design mistakes that will totally undermine your efforts and cost you money.

1. Not communicating your intention FAST

You have about 4 seconds to grab your readers' attention – so make those seconds count. These days, people are constantly bombarded with information overload. Your readers will move on pronto unless something makes them want to stay. Don't prattle on and on about your company's goals or embracing innovation in your industry. Tell your reader exactly what you have to offer them and why they want it. Don't leave readers confused about your objective with weak statements that don't really mean anything. Nail it on the head from the get-go with strong, active language. Give your readers a reason to stick around and learn more – and do it quickly.

Read more: Top 5 Web Design Mistakes that are Costing you Money

Wylia, A Joomla Template Designed to WOW Visitors

Wylia BlogImage

Wylia, our newest Joomla template, is here with the sole purpose of wowing your customers with its full-width striking, focal image at the top of the page and a design that comes together and feels just right. The possibilities with Wylia are endless for any business and organization that wants to show-off a portfolio of products. Its sophisticated and cutting-edge visual design allows for any site to have a professional look from day one.

Read more: Wylia, A Joomla Template Designed to WOW Visitors

Joomla! fun in Algeria

Our Worldwide Joomla! community is the Best!

I am thankful and fortunate to have been invited by the JUG Algeria to participate as a speaker in this year's Joomla! Day Algeria 2013 held on the 18 and 19th of April. This was the 4th consecutive year to celebrate a Joomla Day Algeria. Once more, I was amazed by the power of our worldwide Joomla! community, and how the thirst for learning about technology and Joomla! can awaken the interests of many students, IT professionals, and business owners. Attend a Joomla Day and you too can create lasting friendships the world over.

Read more: Joomla! fun in Algeria

Joomla 3.1 Has Been Tagged and Released

Joomla 3.1Joomla 3.1 is now available.

3.1 is available as a one-click update for all Joomla 3 users.

The major new feature in 3.1 is Tags. We wrote a detailed introduction and said that Tags "is one of the best new features to be added to Joomla in a long time."

In addition to Tags, there are some bug fixes and 7 security fixes, so we recommend that Joomla 3 users update immeadiately. If you have a lot of sites, try using to update quickly and easily.

Read more: Joomla 3.1 Has Been Tagged and Released

How to Enable Joomla SEF URLs on GoDaddy for SEO

godaddy-logoRecently, some of GoDaddy's servers have been producing a "No input file specified" error message when enabling Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs in Joomla.

This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to get your Joomla site working on GoDaddy's servers with SEF URLs enabled.

Read more: How to Enable Joomla SEF URLs on GoDaddy for SEO