5 Reasons Why You Should Evolve From WP to Joomla

From WP to Joomla
If you have set up a blog, intranet, or Internet website then no doubt you have had to contend with the question of which solution to use for your Content Management System (CMS) requirements. Your initial research may have resulted in your selecting WordPress (WP) as your CMS system of choice, however given the added benefits of Joomla, it is worth reassessing your initial decision and taking the additional effort to migrate to Joomla as the benefits of this platform are significant.

Common Benefits

Both WP and Joomla are free, open source CMS solutions that continually evolve to meet current market trends and ensure that any bugs or security compromises are quickly dealt with. Both solutions have active, supportive communities and are SEO friendly; and both solutions are easy to work with and have site-bridging options.

Read more: 5 Reasons Why You Should Evolve From WP to Joomla

Create Provocative, Amusing & Engaging Content (part I)

Website is ground zero

You can use your Blog to create a more successful website

Last week we published the article titled “Content is Certainly NOT King”, making the point that in today’s world the “king” would be the platform to put your content out there - - e.g. social networks, email campaigns, mobile marketing among others. So, unless you have a platform geared towards presenting your content for others to talk about, it will be very hard to have a competitive edge.

However, the old axiom: “Content is King” is still valid, and always will be. Why? Simply put, if your content is not worthy, followers won’t talk about it. You need to have BOTH, great content on your website AND a solid platform.

Read more: Create Provocative, Amusing & Engaging Content (part I)

Content is Certainly Not King


“Content is King.” How many times have you heard it?

It’s paraded around like a map to the holy grail, like some sacred piece of advice that will make all the bricks fall together and reveal the yellow brick road. It’s advice from the wizard, don’t you think? The man behind the curtain spouts out some vague yet wise sounding command and you nod your head, not wanting to say “But I don’t understand, my content is great and yet...yet, something is wrong. Something isn’t bringing people to read it.”

Read more: Content is Certainly Not King

Red Goes Wright


Wright is moving right along these days, seeing great improvements to stability as well as some upcoming exciting enhancements (think full LESS support). It's no wonder that powerhouse Joomla company RedComponent, one of the largest Joomla companies in the world (if not THE largest), has decided to adopt Wright for all of their template and project needs!

We had a chance to ask owner Ronni Christiansen a few questions about why his company chose Wright:

Read more: Red Goes Wright

The New Tags Feature in Joomla 3.1

My conclusion is that Tags is one of the best new features to be added to Joomla in a long time.

Not only do Tags work really well, but they also give a glimpse into Joomla's future.

In this blog post, we'll give you an overview of how Tags work. We'll also see how Tags shows Joomla growing into a better, more unified system where features and data are shared between extensions.

Read more: The New Tags Feature in Joomla 3.1

Install the AreYouaHuman Game CAPTCHA in Joomla

captchaOne of the downsides to using popular software such as Joomla, WordPress or Drupal is that lots of spammers know how to target that software. It's not unusual to get a lot of spam registrations on your site.

On the other hand, one of the most frustrating experiences on the web is attempting to fill-in a really hard-to-read CAPTCHA. After several failed attempts, many users give up and leave your site. That's one reason that we've not used CAPTCHA's at OSTraining. We'd rather deal with spam, than lose our valued customers and visitors.

Read more: Install the AreYouaHuman Game CAPTCHA in Joomla

Showtime a New Joomla Template made for featuring images and video

Beautiful Visuals Deserve A Beautiful Website

With this thought in mind, we decided to create Showtime, a Joomla template that allows you to display, classify, and organize a huge amount of visual information. Showtime is the perfect template to showcase great works of photographers, illustrators, videographers, creative people, creative agencies, or freelancers to name a few.

Read more: Showtime a New Joomla Template made for featuring images and video

Update your Local Joomla Repository on a PC using TortoiseGit

logo-tortoiseGitIn the last tutorial, we showed you how to create a local repository.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to update the local repository with the latest development changes from Joomla.

This should be done each time before testing bugs or applying patches to make sure that we have the latest fixes.

Read more: Update your Local Joomla Repository on a PC using TortoiseGit

Create a Local Version of the Joomla Github Repository using TortoiseGit

This tutorial will show you how to create a local version of the Joomla github repository, which houses the latest code base for Joomla.

Read more: Create a Local Version of the Joomla Github Repository using TortoiseGit

How to Install TortoiseGit on a Windows PC

logo-tortoiseGitThis tutorial will show you how to download and install TortoiseGit, which we will use in subsequent tutorials to test and create patches.

TortoiseGit is not the only software that you can use to test and create patches, but it's easy to use, so that's why we decided to use it for our tutorials on patches. TortoiseGit is only available on Windows. I will be posting a Mac tutorial later today.

Read more: How to Install TortoiseGit on a Windows PC