Early Survey Results - Most People use Joomla 1.5

Joomla Events are growing and Joomla 1.5 is Easier to Use

Last year over 3000 people filled out our first ever Annual Joomla User Survey. Over the last few weeks we have been running our 2nd Annual Joomla Survey and already over 1000 people have told us about how they use Joomla.

There is still time to fill out the survey and enter to win over $1,000 worth of prizes!

We released the results of our first survey last year and found some interesting things. We have been looking at some of the early data, and its been very interesting to be able to analyses trends now we have data over time.

Read more: Early Survey Results - Most People use Joomla 1.5

How to Learn from a Joomla! lead developer

OK, I admit it. This isn't exactly a "How-To" article, but I wanted to draw everyone's attention to an upcoming event in Austin, TX that I will be attending. It is called "Joomla! 1.5 Bootcamp," and it will be held on Friday, July 18 from 8am to 4pm CST (GMT -6) at the Doubletree Hotel Austin. I want to strongly encourage anyone who can make it to come to this event. The keynote speaker/teacher for this event will be none other than Johan Janssens, one of the lead developers of Joomla! The event is being put on by Chris Justice (a.k.a. MegaJustice) from Sparksight.com.

Click "Read More" to see more information about the Bootcamp.

Read more: How to Learn from a Joomla! lead developer

Chicago Joomla Expo Recap: 300 passionate users in one room

A few weeks ago Team Joomlashack was together for a rare in-person gathering. (Our team is scattered across four states and three time zones, all in the U.S.) JoomlaEXPO in Chicago was a terrific day for any Joomlahead, but especially those new to our wild software scene.

Read more: Chicago Joomla Expo Recap: 300 passionate users in one room

Joomlashack 2008 Joomla User Survey

Joomla SurveyTake the 2008 Joomla User Survey and enter to win over $1,000 in prizes!

Got a few minutes to take our annual Joomla user survey? In return, we'll give you 30% off all of our commercial products in the month of August. And if you're lucky, you could win a $100 gift certificate to Amazon.com or a Joomlashack Developer Club membership for life!

Read more: Joomlashack 2008 Joomla User Survey

How to Display Your Page Title in Your Template - Joomla! 1.5

In October 2006, I wrote a how-to for displaying your page title within your Joomla! 1.0 template. Since the release of Joomla! 1.5, I have gotten many requests for an article explaining how to do this in Joomla! 1.5. Here is how you do it...

Read more: How to Display Your Page Title in Your Template - Joomla! 1.5

Joomla 1.5 templates from Joomlashack

Updated August 5, 2008

Joomla 1.5 templates from JoomlashackLooking for a great template to use on your new Joomla 1.5-powered website? 

Joomlashack now has NINE Joomla templates that are "1.5 native" and ready for you, and more on the way!

Our latest template is Earthblog, a 1.5 only release.

Last month we released Relevant, also a 1.5 only template.

MyTemplate (for use with our new Template  Builder), Aqualine, Weblogic, Vintage, Aqualine Noir, Lightfast, and Simplicity work with both versions of Joomla.

If you already own one of these templates, log into your Shop account and you'll find a 1.5-ready version there for you to download.

Want to keep tabs on the next Joomlashack templates to be updated for Joomla 1.5? Join the discussion in our forum!



Joomla 1.5 templates from Joomlashack

Updated August 5, 2008

Joomla 1.5 templates from JoomlashackLooking for a great template to use on your new Joomla 1.5-powered website?

Joomlashack now has NINE Joomla templates that are "1.5 native" and ready for you, and more on the way!

Our latest template is Earthblog, a 1.5 only release.

Last month we released Relevant, also a 1.5 only template.

MyTemplate (for use with our new Template Builder), Aqualine, Weblogic, Vintage, Aqualine Noir, Lightfast, and Simplicity work with both versions of Joomla.

If you already own one of these templates, log into your Shop account and you'll find a 1.5-ready version there for you to download.

Want to keep tabs on the next Joomlashack templates to be updated for Joomla 1.5? Join the discussion in our forum!

How to determine which page you are on from within a Joomla! 1.5 template

One thing I often need to do while developing a template is change certain parts of the template depending on which page I am on. For example, let's say I am developing a template for a site that runs Virtuemart, and I want to have 3 columns on every non-Virtuemart page, and 2 columns on every Virteumart page. A solution that I often like to use is to make the column "collapsable" when the value of "option" is "com_virtuemart". When "option" is equal to "com_virtuemart", that simply means that the Virtuemart component is loaded.

Read more: How to determine which page you are on from within a Joomla! 1.5 template

Blank Joomla! 1.5 Template

Today I created a blank template for Joomla! 1.5. My main purpose for creating the template was to give myself a basis for creating future templates, since it contains the basic necessary files for creating a template. This template loads the component and the "debug" module position. There are no CSS styles in the template.css file, but the file is referenced in the index.php file. The template is released under the GPL, so feel free to use it however you want in accordance with the GPL.

Click here to download the template.

Joomla 1.5.2 but we don't know Woi

Joomla! 1.5.2 has hit the shelves and is described as a "normal maintenance update" with some bug fixes and minor enhancements. Check it out. It's code named "Woi" but we don't know why.

The Joomla! Project also released its goals for the next release (1.5.3), which will offer more support for OpenID and many other improvements. Check them goals out, too!

If you subscribe to our blog, we'll let you know about these important Joomla! updates as soon as we know. Subscribe to our feed.