Joomlashack's Latest 1.5 Template, Inspirion

Inspirion TemplateGot a medium-sized Web site in need of a good-looking template?

Our latest Joomla! template (Inspirion) is built on the popular 960 grid system. The 960 grid promotes balance, consistent white space, and usability.

Inspirion is XHTML Strict, CSS/Tableless, and makes use of semantic headings (h1-h3) Joomla! overrides for improved SEO.

Inspirion is medium-sized template integrated with IE transparency, CSS dropline menu system, excellent typography, and is available in multiple color styles (with PSD source).

Key features of Inspirion:

Read more: Joomlashack's Latest 1.5 Template, Inspirion

How to embed an RSS feed into an article in Joomla

In my most recent blog post about my 10 favorite Joomla! extensions, I embedded a news feed from X / Twitter to show the latest posts using the #t10jx tag on X / Twitter. Initially, I thought about finding a plugin that handled displaying an RSS feed in an article, since that would be the easiest way to accomplish what I wanted. Then I remembered the "Load Module" plugin and the "Feed Display" module that are part of a core Joomla! installation. I realized that I could embed the feed without installing any 3rd-party extensions. Read on to find out how to do it.

Read more: How to embed an RSS feed into an article in Joomla

2009 Joomla Training Survey

In 2008, our sister site, Compass Designs ran a series of successful single day training classes for Joomla across new England. One question we was asked again and again was "when will you be running classes in 2009?"

People had mentioned interest in different types of classes and perhaps different locations. So, we have created a survey for anyone interested in Joomla training to fill out, and from that we'll be determining the most popular combinations of location and class type.

If you are interested in expanding your Joomla knowledge in 2009 make sure you enter in your choices!

Read more: 2009 Joomla Training Survey

How to Change your favicon (Joomla! 1.5)

Another popular article on this site explains how to change your favicon in your Joomla! 1.0-powered site. Naturally, a lot of people want to know how to change your favicon in a Joomla! 1.5-powered site, so this article goes through the process of changing your favicon in a Joomla! 1.5 site.

Favicon example

Read more: How to Change your favicon (Joomla! 1.5)

How to Move Your Joomla! 1.5 Site to a New Server

Update July 15, 2010: I should have posted this a long time ago, but the BEST way to move your Joomla site to a new server is to use Akeeba Backup.

The most popular article on this site covers How to move your Joomla! site to a new server, but it does not cover all of the details for moving your Joomla! 1.5 site to a new server. This how-to discusses the process of moving your Joomla! 1.5 site to a new server. The information contained in this how-to also happens to be an excerpt from my upcoming book, Beginning Joomla!. (Due out in early April)

Read more: How to Move Your Joomla! 1.5 Site to a New Server

How to add a JomComment comment counter to your Joomla!-powered blog

Video on building a blog with Joomla

As promised, here is an article about one of the things I learned while upgrading How To Joomla to Joomla! 1.5. I have been using JomComment on How To Joomla for quite a while. You may have noticed that besides having the usual "Add Comment (2)" link at the end of each article introduction, I have also added a comment counter and link along with the "Written by...," date, section, and category, as shown in this image:

JomComment Counter

With the ability to override Joomla!'s core content output in a Joomla! 1.5 template, you can do virtually anything within your template. This tutorial demonstrates how to use template overrides to insert a JomComment comment counter anywhere you want to add it in your articles.

Read more: How to add a JomComment comment counter to your Joomla!-powered blog

How to Redirect 1.0 URL's to Joomla 1.5

You may have noticed that Joomlashack is now running on Joomla 1.5. We did a stealth migration yesterday.

We had one problem we needed to address, and it took a while to figure out, so we thought we would share the solution for others.

Our old site used Joomla 1.0, as I have mentioned before, we wanted to make sure we did a 301 redirect of the Joomla URL's so Google would quickly pick up the new ones and pass the pagerank to the new pages. The problem however was that our 1.0 site used the raw URL:

We rapidly discovered that mod-write unfortunately will basically ignore all the php parameters here. You can't get rewrite to pay any attention to them.

Read more: How to Redirect 1.0 URL's to Joomla 1.5

Life Group LA wins 2008 Charity Contest

Life Group LA

The Joomlashack community has spoken: The Life Group- LA is the winner of our 2008 Charity Contest!

LGLA narrowly edged out the very worth Global Conservation Assistance for first place. Joomlashack is proud to present a $1,000 USD contribution to the Life Group LA.

Read more: Life Group LA wins 2008 Charity Contest

The US Joomlaverse expanding in 2009

Las Vegas Joomla DayWith Joomla so popular now that even Paris Hilton uses (and breaks) it [Editor note: It seems early reports of Ms. Hilton using Joomla are not accurate- see the comments in the original post from Joomla core team representatives], it's no surprise that new Joomla User Groups (JUGs) are popping up all over the map.

The latest is in Wisconsin, where the Milwaukee User Group will hold its first meeting in a couple weeks. A few of us Vermonters call the New England User Group home, which has grown to an impressive number and is now helping spin off another new JUG in the seacoast region of New Hampshire (near Portsmouth.)

And then there are Joomla Days like the upcoming one in Las Vegas. Unfortunately we'll never know what happens there, because what happens in Vegas... So you'd better find your own local Joomla User Group and/or Joomla Day to attend!

If you are involved in a JUG or Joomla Day and think we should blog about it here on Joomlashack, let us know!

Joomla 1.5.9 Released- Important Security Update

It's been two months since a new version of Joomla 1.5 hit the streets, and not a moment too late. The new release has the longest change log we've seen in a long time, including some high priority security issues and dozens of bug fixes and changes.

The Joomla proclaims Joomla 1.5.9 is "a security release and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately." So get to it!