SP Upgrade for Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 Migration

22944Now here's a strange coincidence ... while I was writing this tutorial, one of my sites got hacked because it wasn't updated. I had neglected to update my site because it involves downloads and uploads and who has time for that? Well I should have taken the time. I learned my lesson, and I'm getting ready for the future.

With Joomla 2.5 the upgrades are much easier, so I've decided to migrate all my Joomla sites to 2.5. There is a simple, new tool for making the transition, and it works - SP Upgrade. You may not need to do this today, but when that day eventually arrives, this tutorial will help you make this transition very smoothly. A note before we start: this extension is commercial. If you're looking for a free alternative, try our tutorial on jUpgrade.

Read more: SP Upgrade for Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 Migration

VirtueMart - eCommerce for Joomla

virtuemart-logo-142x142VirtueMart is absolutely huge. By some counts, it stands second in popularity amongst all eCommerce platforms.

Right now the VirtueMart team is getting ready to launch VirtueMart Version 2.0 for Joomla 1.7. So this is a great opportunity to give you an introductory tutorial.

VirtueMart comes with a lot of flexibility and there are also many additional extensions available. Get started with the following tutorial. Afterwards you can move on to more advanced features and extensions with confidence.

Read more: VirtueMart - eCommerce for Joomla

How to Clear the Cache in Joomla

We get asked this question quite often. Usually someone is trying to change something in their admin section, they go to the site to preview the changes and - NOTHING'S CHANGED!

That usually leads to varying amounts of hair pulling and frustrated searching around for answers. However, the solution is pretty simple once you know how to manage cache.

Read more: How to Clear the Cache in Joomla

SobiPro - The Missing Documentation

sobiproSobiPro is a great Joomla extension. It allows you to create completely custom displays for the information you need.

Let's take an example. You buy, sell or make guitars and you need to build a catalog to show them. You're going to have someone type in your product list with all sorts of information that is specific to your guitars. A basic Joomla article simply has a title and a body, with no special fields for the price, the manufacturer or other information that is vital for your customers.

SobiPro is called a Content Construction Kit (CCK) because it allows you to construct the content that you want. It allows you to create a custom display for the information you need. We've also written documentation for K2 which is another Joomla CCK.

Read more: SobiPro - The Missing Documentation

Help, My Joomla Username and Password Don't Match!

Has this happened to you? You try to login and suddenly your username and password don't match.

Well, it happened to me three times this week, and after doing a little research I found that this happens more often than it should.

In this tutorial we'll show you how to fix it, and in the process, you will learn how to enable and disable plugins using phpMyAdmin when you can't get to your Joomla Admin panel.

Read more: Help, My Joomla Username and Password Don't Match!

Stay Logged Into Your Joomla Site for Longer

There is nothing more frustrating than working on a Joomla entry a little too long and then trying to save and get the login screen ( OK, I guess there are worse things, but this one ranks pretty high).

You can make the frustration go away by going to Site > Global Configuration and increasing the session time. You can also solve the problem with the installation of a simple plugin called Admin Forever. With this plugin, once you log in you'll stay logged in - until you log out, that is.

Read more: Stay Logged Into Your Joomla Site for Longer

Remove your meta tag generator from Joomla header.

Your Joomla site always comes with a default meta generator to show that your website is a Joomla site, and sometimes it will show its version as well. It is important to hide this for security measures if you do not want others to see your source code and know it is a Joomla site and what version it may be. It is good to be aware that the changes you make will be overwritten when upgrading your Joomla version.

Read more: Remove your meta tag generator from Joomla header.

Encrypt any password in Joomla using MD5

We already have a tutorial on changing the password of a Joomla user to "admin". That tutorial allows you to reset any user password to "admin".

However, one of our students wanted to know how to create safer passwords. How could they create safer passwords that were also encrypted in the database. Here's how to do it ...

Read more: Encrypt any password in Joomla using MD5

Translating and Modifying Joomla's Language files using Language Overrides

This tutorial will show how to modify and/or translate Joomla's language strings.

One of our students was wondering how to make the Terms of Service text into an active link when people registered on his site. So we created this tutorial for him and will use this Terms of Service example to show you how language overrides work in Joomla 1.7.

Read more: Translating and Modifying Joomla's Language files using Language Overrides

Joomla ACL Tutorial for Allowing One Person to Modify Only One Category

We recently published a detailed round-up of the best, general Joomla ACL tutorials.

Here's a specific ACL tutorial requested by one of our students. She wanted to know how to allow a single individual to be able to create and modify articles in only single category, so we created this tutorial for her.

Read more: Joomla ACL Tutorial for Allowing One Person to Modify Only One Category